Happy Valentines Day, friends! The Baum household does not make a huge deal over this holiday (Dan is of the belief that it's a holiday made up by greeting card companies...how original, hehehe!), but I say it's an excellent excuse to dress in lots of pretty pink. :-) Lilly had two Valentines Day outfits, so she wore one yesterday - thanks, Grandma Susie (As usual, I couldn't narrow down the pics so I'll just post a million bunch. Also please forgive the fact that these were taken in our bathroom, oy.)!
Caught! |
I had good intentions of making heart-shaped pancakes or waffles this morning, but L woke up earlier than normal which threw a wrench in our morning routine and I ran out of time (It's a lot harder to get ready when you're having to distract a one-year-old in the process!). I substituted with chocolate Greek yogurt that Daddy bought at the store, which Lilly was not upset about. :-)
Dan surprised us tonight with flowers for both of his girls! Lilies for Lilly, and roses for Mommy. We love them!
Last night when I saw all of my Mommy friends posting on Facebook about the fun things they were doing with/for their kiddies today, I started to worry that I was a terrible mother for not at least getting Lilly a card. In order to ease my guilt, I made one. Nothing fancy, but I assume she liked it since she tried to eat it. :-)
After we put L to bed, Dan made us a delicious feast of steak, sweet potatoes and broccoli. The man surely knows the way to my heart - the sweet potato was my jam as I haven't had a starch in over two weeks!. The one glass of wine I allowed myself wasn't so bad, either. ;-) All in all, I'd say it was a pretty perfect day for our little family.
Hope your Valentines Day was fabulous as well!
Sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day to me! I am so glad to see Lilly feeling better.