Doctor's Stats: Our Lilly Bean is getting so big! She is 30.75 inches long (70th percentile, up from 29" and 70% at 12 months) and weighs 22 lbs 13.5 oz (55th percentile - almost the same weight as at 12 months, but down from 85th percentile when compared with height). Granted, she has had a diminished appetite for about a week due to battles with a cold/possible asthma and teething, but she has also just really visibly thinned out a lot. Our next appointment is at the end of July for her 18-month check-up.
Sleep: We pushed bedtime back a little - it used to be right around 7:30, but we've been doing 8:00 pm or even a little after for a couple of months now, just because it gives us a little more time to spend together as a family on nights when we're all home. So, L has been sleeping from 8:00 pm to somewhere between 8:00 and 9:00 am. On Monday of this week, we decided to start the transition to one nap/day. Length-wise, Lilly really needs two naps. The problem is, if she wakes up at 8, she's ready to go back down by 10:00 or 10:30 and legitimately sleeps until 2:00pm on days we let her. This presents a whole new problem in that she can't do this during the week due to the schedule of the other little girl that she stays with and having to pick her up from daycare. I have been dreading the switch to one nap and so I've been postponing it, but lately no matter how exhausted Lilly is and how much she needs that second nap, she refuses to take it. She'll have to go to one nap/day in the fall anyway when she starts preschool three days/week (I know it's a long way off, but that in combination with her schedule during the week is forcing my hand on this), so we've been working on it this week. Monday was our first day of cold turkey, and homegirl was TIRED:
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Laying down by choice = NEVER happens. |
Due to our nanny share and aforementioned scheduling differences, Lilly can't take her one nap/day until at least 1:30 pm, and it is really taking a toll. Dr. V told us today to try letting her have a 30-minute power nap in the morning to tide her over and then to still let her take that longer afternoon nap. We're going to try tomorrow and see how it goes. Poor thing has been so tired this week. I'll report back.
I should also note here, that Lilly often times will ask to go to sleep. I am not sure whether that is normal, but I am not questioning it. You want to go night night? Fine by me, sister.
Feeding: I can't remember whether I mentioned it, but we stopped nursing around 13 months. As sad as I was to stop, I think we were both ready. Lilly still won't drink milk, but Dr. V told us today that we need to try to get her to start drinking it so that she's getting the iron and calcium that she needs. She gave us some tips, so hopefully the next time I update you, L will heart whole milk. L has gotten decidedly pickier in terms of what she will eat. Here are some of her favorites/things she rarely turns down: yogurt, applesauce, blueberry puree, cranberry puree, banana, string cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, almond butter & jelly sandwich, chinese pork, broccoli, edamame, graham crackers, animal cookies, black beans, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, apple, cantaloupe, rice, cheerios, freeze dried strawberries, banana bread, blueberry muffins. Have you noticed a trend? She loves sweet things and carbs. She is her mother's child! We have not fully transitioned to using utensils at meals. We let her use a spoon almost every day, and she's pretty good at it, but I haven't taken the plunge into full-on fork and spoon eating yet, mainly because I'm dreading the mess. Bad mama, I know. Dr. V told me today to deal with the mess and let the child start using utensils full-time, so I guess we'll go for it next week...I just need to find a plastic table cloth to protect my beautiful new rug with first. Ha!
Developments: Dr. V said that Lilly is well above average development-wise, and that L's vocabulary is unlike any other patient she's ever seen that's Lilly's age (proud Mama here!). What can I say? She comes by it honest, as her mother (and father!) love to talk. :-)
I guess the major development that I should mention is that my child can seriously throw a tantrum, and has a flair for the dramatic. She started a little bit of this shortly after she turned one, but she's gotten more creative with her performances. My favorite is when she dramatically throws herself onto the ground, cries (complete with big, sad crocodile tears), and then kicks her legs and/or flails her arms to get her point across. She does not like being told "no," that's for dang sure.
Lilly is great at identifying things, she is like a little sponge and often remembers things that I didn't even know she was listening to (past time to watch what we say, for sure!). She's also really good at animal sounds. Her favorite sounds to make are: monkey, cow, duck, chicken, horse, sheep, bird. There may be more that I'm forgetting.
Lilly's walking has improved a lot - she is much more steady than she was at 12 months and has now moved on to climbing on EVERYTHING. Also, she is cutting approximately 29387423897 teeth right now and I hate it.
Favorites: I am telling y'all, I know I have said it at every update so far, but this is hands down my favorite stage. We are just having so much fun. I will admit that most days I am exhausted from trying to find things to keep Lilly entertained, but we are loving it.
Lilly loves:
Music, singing and dancing. If she hears any kind of music, she will get the hugest grin on her face and start dancing. I love it! Unfortunately, it appears that she has my rhythm, but we won't tell her that and spoil it for her yet.
Note : Please excuse my giggling and loudness as well as the poor quality of all the following (iPhone) videos in this post.
She also LOVES to be outside, and is happiest there (thank the Lord for warmer weather, finally!). Her favorite things are go to on walks, swing, slide, play with her new water table, and smell flowers:
L also LOVES giving hugs and kisses (Who cares if they are open-mouthed and slobbery?! Those are the best kind, right?!):
Finally, I think we have a slight book obsession. I'll let the photo speak for itself.
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Eeeek excuse the unmade bed! |
Dislikes: The main two I can think of are being told "no" and eating something she doesn't want to eat. Rotten!
I think that's about it. I have been trying to keep notes of things to update as I go along, so hopefully I got everything! I guess I'll close with a few more recent photos, since those are fun.
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I realize she looks like a total mall walker, but Lilly is OBSESSED with these tennis shoes and they're all she wants to wear. What can I do? |
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"Hugging" Layla |
At Cuegrass over the weekend. Thanks Jude for the hat, and Jen for the photo! |
Cuegrass (again) and ice cream. Photo courtesy of Adria. |
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Giving Daddy snuggles before bed. |