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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Eve

I tend to overdo it around the Holidays anyway, so add in the job of growing a baby boy to my typical Holiday madness and that makes for one exhausted mama.  I know, that doesn't sound any different than how I normally feel, but the Baums have been busy bees today!

Carney was nice enough to come over this morning to spend the first half of the day with the kiddos so that Dan and I (and Bo and Meagan) could get a few things done.  I worked for a while this morning (one thing I'm definitely thankful for is a flexible job that allows me to work from home frequently!!!) and also managed to do 4 loads of laundry by the time Carney left at 1pm.  Go me!  After I wrapped up work, the real madness began.  I got L down for a nap around 1:15 and then Dan and I got busy with preparations for tomorrow/the weekend.  I made blueberry muffins (mini and regular) to take to the mountains, made most of my sweet potato apple casserole for tomorrow (saved the topping for in the morning) and started on my second Thanksgiving dish while Dan started on dinner (tomato soup and grilled cheese), all before we got L up at 5pm.  Dan's friend from high school, Grant, and his wife Emily and their family are in town for the Holiday, so they came over to visit and had dinner which was a lot of fun.  They left around 8pm at which point I gave L a bath, and then Dan took over for books and bed time so that I could go finish putting together most of my second dish for tomorrow (confetti corn).  I cooked, cleaned the dishes, packed most of Lilly's stuff and most of my stuff and am now sitting in bed about to pass out!

In honor of Thanksgiving being tomorrow (and in case your Facebook and Instagram feeds aren't blowing up like mine are with photos of the delicious food everyone is making in preparation for the day), I thought I'd share with you our family's menu.  We alternate holidays with our families, and it's my family's year for Thanksgiving, which means we spend the day with  my Mom's family in Asheboro (think a huge gathering of grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins and everyone's kids).  It is such a blessing that we are able to visit with each other, and I promise you have never had better food!  Here's what's on our menu:

2013 Thanksgiving Menu
Chopped BBQ and Sauce
Deviled Eggs
Broccoli Casserole
Sweet Potato Apple Casserole (Baum Contribution #1)
Pinto Beans
Green Bean Casserole
Macaroni & Cheese
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Confetti Corn (Baum Contribution #2)
Apple Caramel Cake
Peanut Butter Pie
Pecan Pie

Remember when I said I planned to eat so much that I wouldn't be able to eat again for three days?  I was not kidding.  YUM.  I typically make macaroni, but Katy asked to make that this year (and by Katy I mean Josh as he is the chef in that family), so I tried a new recipe with the confetti corn.  Honestly I didn't think it could go wrong because it has bacon (which I left off for tonight and will add in the morning), but I sampled the almost-finished-product tonight and it did not disappoint.  Let's hope the family agrees!  If you are somehow still in need of a dish tomorrow, I highly recommend confetti corn because not only is it going to be delicious but it was pretty simple as well.  Can't beat that!

I will try to post tomorrow, if for nothing else than to show you a photo of L's Thanksgiving ensemble.  I was reminiscing back to last year's Thanksgiving, OY I know she is my kid but I can't stand the cuteness:

Such a sweet little butterball.  I seriously found a pair of those pink overalls in her size on eBay and almost bought them for her to wear again this year because I loved that outfit SO.MUCH. but I finally decided that might be weird.  Whatever.

We have so much to be thankful for as always, and I can't wait to celebrate tomorrow with family.  We are gearing up for another COLD weekend in Boone - there is quite a bit of snow on the ground already and I hope it hangs around long enough for me to see what Lilly thinks of it.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you and yours, and safe travels!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

BB2.0: 29 Weeks

I am constantly surprised at how quickly the weeks are passing, and I know time is only going to pass even more quickly considering it's already Holiday time.  February 11 (hopefully sooner but not too much sooner) will be here before we know it!  I feel exhausted as usual but I must look it today, too, because Dan asked me if I was feeling okay tonight.  Sweet man.  I'm going to try to keep it brief because it's movie date night here at the Baums.  Hurray!

Size of Baby Boy:  A butternut squash.

He weighs 2.5 lbs (I'm guessing he actually weighs 2.5 lbs x 2) and is slightly longer than 15 inches from head to toe.  His head is growing bigger (GREAT.) to make room for his growing brain (he better get a scholarship).

Weight Gain So Far:  Per the scale this morning, still somewhere between 18-19 lbs, which is surprisingly exactly where I was last time around at this point.

Cravings:  I am still enjoying sweets WAY too much.  I am proud of myself, though, that I have yet to consume a single Chick Fil A Peppermint Chocolate Shake...although a dream of them nightly.

I am trying to hold off as long as I can because I know once I have one I'll want another one every hour day.

Aversions:  Still nothing to speak of, thankfully.

Symptoms:  Not too much change here: exhaustion, insomnia and peeing every 30 seconds.  Also itchy skin, which is probably actually more likely due to the colder weather than the pregnancy but it's still annoying.

Movement:  My little man knows how to throw a real rager in the womb!  He goes nuts, and I wish every day that I could see what he's doing in there.

What I  Miss:  Not one thing comes to mind here.

Signs of a Bump:  Ah, yes.

And here's what L looked like at 29 weeks:

What I'm Thankful For:  So much to be thankful for, I don't even know where to begin.  I'll just start with being thankful that I get to spend the next five days with my sweet little family.

What I'm Looking Forward To:  So much!  Completed construction and nursery decorating (crib ordering happens tomorrow because I have a 20% off coupon, hooray for my procrastination paying off!).  Eating so much delicious food that I won't be able to move on Thursday.  Cute Christmas jammies which will be worn by Miss L beginning Thursday night.  A long weekend in the mountains with the Eakers.  Christmas shopping!  Seeing the new Hunger Gmaes movie with my sisters on Friday.  Picking out our Christmas tree on Saturday!  Christmas parties and other Christmas activities (guess I should finish my Halloween blogging at some point?!).  I could keep going but I'll stop there for now.

Next Doctor Appointment:  Next Tuesday - December 3.  Fingers crossed for continued good blood pressure!

In Honor of the second Hunger Games movie viewing on Firday (can't wait!!!), the movie we've chosen for movie date night in bed is the first Hunger Games movie, so I'm off.  More tomorrow!


Monday, November 25, 2013

Baby Boy's Nursery: Before Construction

I am skipping the "Meal Planning Monday" post this week because, you guessed it - there is no meal plan.  It is a short week and Thanksgiving is Thursday so we're just sort of winging it.  We ate sushi at Lilly's request last night (clearly her fave) and tonight Dan was in charge so we had carnitas (maybe I'll post that recipe [courtesy of Chris] sometime  because it's fantastic).  We are still trying to decide what to eat tomorrow night and we might just try to squeeze in a date night on Wednesday, and then on Thursday I plan to be too full from lunch to eat for three days straight.  Ha!

I realized the other day that I never posted photos of Lilly's nursery - I'll have to do that at some point before she's out of her crib (add it to the list of posts I need to do, oy!).  That realization got me thinking that it might be fun to do a progress update for BB2.0's nursery.  I think I've mentioned before that we didn't actually have a room for him, so we are in the process of building one.  

Let me back up: we have three bedrooms - the master and Lilly's are upstairs and the guest bedroom is downstairs.  I wasn't ready to uproot Lilly and I certainly didn't want to move her downstairs (I had nightmares about her wandering around the house at all hours of the night whenever she decides she's ready to transition t a big girl bed).  I also didn't want to put Baby Boy downstairs because I want him to be close to us.  Lastly, all of our family lives out of town and we want them to still come visit us slash babysit have a place to sleep (hence the transformation of that room from guest bedroom only to combination guest bedroom and playroom - updates on that to come at some point as well).  Anyway, all of those things combined ruled out the downstairs bedroom as a nursery for the boy child.  We have a loft upstairs that currently overlooks our living room, so the solution was obvious: turn it into the smallest nursery ever!  It was an office before, and someday when the kiddies are old enough to share a room it will be an office again - just an enclosed one.  Here's what BB2.0's room looked like prior to the construction (which started last weekend while we were out of town):

If you're standing in our living room looking up, this is what you see.  The half-wall will become a full wall to enclose baby's room.

Another view from below.
Standing at the top of the stairs looking into the loft/baby's room.  The half-wall that overlooks the living room is on the right.  We are having a window put in on the back wall.
Another view of the room. 

Half-wall overlooking the den.
I have always liked that loft space and had big plans for it so I will miss it, but this is definitely the best thing for us (and little man).  We came home from the mountains to discover all of the walls in place, which was exciting!  I would definitely recommend finding a contractor that will work on the weekends to complete projects so as not to disrupt your schedule.  I will say that the room looks even smaller than I thought it would now that it's enclosed, but there is plenty of space for the necessities.  I also think that once the window goes in, it will help the room look less small somehow.

We have finally decided on at least one piece of furniture for this nursery (a crib), and I have my eye on a few other pieces.  I'm hoping there are some online Black Friday sales on baby furniture.  :-)  Either way, the construction was definitely just what I needed to push me to get moving, because this baby will be here before we know it!  Now, if any of my Raleigh friends know anyone who makes baby bedding that won't break the bank, holler at me.  I need a crib skirt and some curtains!

Happy almost Tuesday - hurray for short work weeks!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Roundup

Howdy, friends!  Did ya miss me?!  The end of last week was crazy and I am still trying to recover from that + the fun weekend we had in Boone!  My parents' mountain house is absolutely beautiful.  They still have a few things to do, but we had such a blast spending the weekend together and the house is perfect.  I am only uploading iPhone pics tonight because I'm too lazy to go through everything I took on my nice camera (plus I'm so comfy and cozy in my bed and don't feel like leaving it to get the camera ha!) - I am bummed that I didn't take any of the house itself!  

We arrived on Friday night around 9:30 pm and L had a ton of energy after being trapped in the car for over four hours due to horrible traffic.  She put on quite the show for everyone when we arrived!  Saturday was game day, which I was excited about until we went outside.  I forgot how COLD it gets in Boone!  Seriously I spent the day wondering when I got so old.  I was watching the college students and remembering the times when I could be out in that weather half dressed and not feeling a thing.  We woke up to morning cousin snuggles and then Lilly helped Mason bounce for a while.

Katy, Josh, Dan and I (and the kiddies) headed to the stadium a little before everyone else because someone Dan works with arranged for us to be able to go on the field for a photo op (those pics are on my other camera and I'll show them to you at a later date if I decide not to use any on our Christmas card, but we got some cute ones).  It was Lilly and Mason's first time at The Rock, and luckily they were both in a great mood (and hopefully warm enough under all of those layers!).

The stadium (and really the campus in general) look SO different since Dan and I were in school.  The growth that ASU has experienced is tremendously impressive.  Boone has always felt like home to both of us, and we're both hopeful to get back there someday!

After our stadium tour, we tooled around campus for a bit and went inside where it was warm so that Mason could eat without freezing to death.

My parents arrived around noon, and we headed over to their tailgate spot after Mason finished eating.  Kickoff was not until 3:30 pm and I knew by that time that there was no way we were going to make it, so Mom, Katy and I took the kiddies home for naps (for everyone, ha!).  

After nap snack by the fire
The guys (and Syd!) all stayed at the game (they numbed themselves from the cold by consuming adult beverages, ha!) and made it ALMOST to the end before calling to be picked up - I was impressed that they lasted so long.  AND ASU won pretty substantially, which was exciting since we're moving up a division and this was the last Battle for the Mountain Jug ever (hard to believe!).  

On Saturday night we had delicious chili for dinner and didn't do much of anything.  We left early this morning - it was 12 degrees out!!!  So cold.  And there were snow flurries!!!  It warmed up slightly as we headed down the mountain, but not much...

See that frigid temp beside the time at the top of the screen?!  BRRRRRRRRRR!
We are excited to head back on Thursday for the weekend, but I am definitely going to have to find some warmer clothes for all of us!

Hope your weekend was fantastic, too.  We came home to find that the majority of the construction on the nursery is finished. It is going to be small, but perfect, and I can't wait for it to be done so I can finally feel like I am starting to prepare for this baby's arrival, which will be here before we know it.  Photos to come soon.

Happy Thanksgiving week!  I am so excited for family and food and picking out our Christmas tree.  More to come on all of that!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Three on Thursday

Is three on Thursday even a thing?  Just call me Tammy Trend-Setter.  See what I did there?  I'm having quite a few random thoughts, and I've seen people do "Five on Friday," so I decided to start my own "thing".  Booyah (word of the week?  maybe.).

One.  WHY does my husband only ever ask if he can take my car when my gas light is on?  Whyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!!!

I will admit that I'm pretty bad about keeping an eye on my gas gauge.  Dan cannot comprehend how my light is on so often.  Really, what does he think I do, spend all of my driving time monitoring the gas?  In his mind, you should fill the car up anytime it gets close to 1/2 of a tank.  Ummm no sir.  I am not sure why he doesn't understand that the purpose of aforementioned gas light is to come on when I'm low and serve as a reminder that I should consider filling up in the next, let's say, 50 miles before I run out (not that I've tested it before or anything...).  I guess we can agree to disagree.  But seriously.  WHY is it that the only time he needs to drive my car happens to be when my gas light came on as I was driving home from work four days the day before?!  I swear it's like he loves asking the question just so I have to admit that my gas light is on yet again.  At least today he needed to drive my car because he was being a sweet husband and taking it in for an inspection, but still.

Two. We had pizza tonight for dinner because I didn't plan anything since I wasn't sure whether I'd actually be home in time (my biggest work event of the year is happening tomorrow and to say it's been a busy week would be an understatement).  I stopped in to pick the pizza up on my way home and the young man (when did I get so old that I started calling people "young man"?) behind the counter not only congratulated me, but asked if I would mind if he opened the door for me as I was leaving.  Chivalry is not dead!  It made my whole night.

Three.  I think I mentioned that we're headed to the mountains this weekend.  I'm so excited for L to attend her first ASU game.  Also I'm so excited about the hat and mittens Dan picked up for her today:

So what if his instructions were to see if they had any accessories in black and/or yellow (school colors, duh) and if not just pick some random mittens?  That may be the cutest hat and matching gloves set ever, period.  Bonus: she LOVES both the hat and the mittens.

Four.  I guess I can't call this "three on Thursday" anymore, but whatever.  Construction starts on baby boy's nursery TOMORROW!  I took some "before" photos tonight but I'm too lazy to post them, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I had an insane day at work, came home and spent some time with Dan and L and then folded and put away the mountain of laundry that was waiting on me and managed to pack L's bag for the weekend.  I then made her lunch, took a shower, packed my own bag and did some work.  Now I need to dry my hair so that I can go to sleep and start all over tomorrow at 5:30 am.  There will be Diet Coke, and there will probably be more than one.

Happy almost weekend!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BB2.0: 28 Weeks

Shockingly, I think this might be the first time that I've been late on a weekly update for the boy-child.  I feel sure it won't be the last!  I had an impromptu girls night last night with my neighbors, and it was glorious and much needed!  By the time we were done catching up it was late and I didn't have the energy to post.  Shame!  I'll get to the stats.

Size of Baby Boy:  A large eggplant.
Homeboy weighs 2 and 1/4 lbs and is around 14.8 inches from head to toe.  He can blink and now has eyelashes!  If he's like any other boy I have ever met, his lashes will be long and gorgeous solely because he isn't a girl.  So unfair.

Weight Gain So Far:  This one is tricky.  I did weigh in yesterday when I woke up (post-pee, pre-shower, just like I do every week for my update) and my home scale said 16.5 (and I was ecstatic).  Imagine my dismay when by the time I got to the doctor (after eating breakfast, drinking the glucose drink and a ton of water) it was up to 19.5.  I weighed again today and it was like 18.3.  So I'm going with 18.5 and calling it even, because I like it better than 19.5 (and it's kind of in the middle of the two anyway).  With Lilly, at 28 weeks I'd gained 13 lbs.  LIAR.

Cravings:  On Monday, since I was supposed to avoid concentrated sugars for a minimum of 24 hours prior to drinking aforementioned glucose drink, all I wanted was fruit (and let's face it candy, cake, etc.).  Why can't I crave fruit all the time?!  I'd probably weigh a lot less if I did.  

Aversions:  Not a one!  I'm still trying to decide whether that's a blessing (likely) or a curse (since I am pretty sure I could eat a whole house in a day if I let myself).

Symptoms:  Same old!  Tired, hungry and insomnia.  I feel like I haven't been as hormonal this time around as I was last time - I'm sure my husband is praising the Lord for that, ha!

Movement:  This child is really having a party in there.  Last night Dan watched my belly for a good 30 minutes and we were both laughing and wondering what baby boy could possibly be doing in there.  I wish I had an ultrasound machine so I could see him!

What I  Miss:  Last night I was really wishing for a glass (or 6) of wine at girls night, but for the most part I surprisingly haven't really missed a lot this time around.  Other than that, I can't think of a thing!

Signs of a Bump:  You know it!

 Here is Miss Lillian at 28 Weeks:

Believe it or not, I didn't realize I was wearing the same shirt in both pictures until I looked up what I looked like last time.  Hilarious.  I feel like I am carrying SO differently this time around.

What I'm Thankful For:  A job that I really enjoy, even when it's as crazy as it has been lately.  And, with that said, a short work week next week and the upcoming break.  :-)

What I'm Looking Forward To:  A lot of things!  A trip to the mountains this weekend.  The start of construction on the nursery!!!!!  I will try to remember to take some "before" pics to post tomorrow night.  The plan is for it to be completed (with the exception of painting) by the time we get home on Sunday.  Eeeeee!  Thanksgiving, spending time with family, and pigging out.  Another after-Thanksgiving-dinner trip to the mountains to get our tree.  And some BIG things coming on the blog!

Doctor Appointment Update:  I made that glucose drink my bia!

I actually left for the doctor early yesterday, which is probably the first (and also probably the last) time that has ever happened.  I hopped on the highway only to find that traffic was at a dead stop.  I swear, if I had missed that appointment because of traffic y'all would have been reading news stories about the crazy pregnant woman who blew up the highway.  It normally takes me 20 minutes in traffic to get to the doctor - yesterday it took me 45.  I made it just in time (8:50, which coincidentally was my actual appointment time) and had the following conversation with the receptionist upon arrival:

Me (panting):  I have an 8:50 appt and a glucose test, I drank the drink at 8:00.
Receptionist:  Plenty of time.  What time did you finish the drink?
Me:  8:02
Receptionist (raises eyebrows): Wow.  You chugged.
Me:  I don't mess around.

I am kind of disgusted that I actually sort of liked the drink this time around.  Until it settled, at which point I felt like I was going to barf.  Anyway, blood was drawn and all appears fine.  They said they'll call me if I failed, but if I passed I won't hear anything until the next appointment.  Fingers crossed. 

Aside from the glucose portion, the rest of the appointment was business as usual.  When the doctor came into my room he said, and I quote, "Is this the most beautiful pregnancy ever, or what?  I honestly don't think it could be more picture perfect thus far."  He did not mention my weight gain and I did not get fussed at.  Love that man.  BP is still perfect at 118/74, and baby's heartbeat is still steady and music to my ears (I didn't get a bpm number).  We talked a little bit about my blood pressure - it was not until sometime in December that I started having trouble last time, but my blood pressure as a whole has been much lower in general this time around.  I also read in my last 28-week update that my hands were starting to swell, and was so thankful that I haven't had to deal with that thus far this time around (and hopefully it's a sign of good blood pressure to continue!).  Dr. T said he obviously can't predict what will happen, but that he doesn't anticipate any issues this time around.  Such great news!

Next Doctor Appointment:  December 3.  I can't believe it is already time to go every 2 weeks.  I really need to buy some nursery furniture.

I'm off to conclude this busy day by falling asleep during watching a movie with the hubs.  Happy Hump Day!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Meal Planning Monday: Thanksgiving Edition

In honor of next week's Thanksgiving holiday (I can't believe it's already that time!!!), I thought I'd do something a little different for my Meal Planning Monday post and give you one of my favorite recipes to try.  

Actually, if I'm being honest, it's also because I have a crazy week, half of which Dan will not be here for at dinnertime for one reason or another, so the only meals I planned ahead for the week are homemade granola to eat with my yogurt (you inspired me, Mere & Mikey!), leftovers tonight and homemade vegetable soup for tomorrow night.  Whatever!

ANYWAY, that's not important.  The recipe I am about to share is seriously one of the most delicious recipes ever, and I can't imagine having Thanksgiving without it.  This recipe is Aunt Hopey's and was given to me in a cookbook that my Mom's sisters put together for me as a shower gift when Dan and I got married (most thoughtful and best ever!).  I have made it at least twice every year for Thanksgiving celebrations since receiving the recipe (whether it be for our work feast, family Thanksgiving, friendsgivings, etc.) and always get so many compliments and recipe requests.  I would have never thought to put apples in a sweet potato dish, but it really adds a lot of flavor and texture.  The dish is a little labor-intensive but not hard in the least, and I can assure you that it's well worth every ounce of effort.  It's one of Dan's favorites, for sure, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Miss Lillian thinks about it next week, too!

Sweet Potato Apple Casserole
Family Recipe from Aunt Hopey

5-6 medium sweet potatoes (depends on dish size – I normally use 5)
2-3 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cored (again depends on dish size and how much apple you want, but I normally use 2) 
6 Tbs. butter (or margarine)
¼ cup dark corn syrup
¼ cup dark brown sugar
2 Tbs. bourbon
1 tsp. cinnamon
freshly grated nutmeg (you can substitute the spice but fresh is so much better!)

½ cup dark brown sugar
1 stick butter
1 cup flour
nuts (I use a cup of pecans, chopped)
*cut butter into flour and sugar, then stir in nuts

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Bake the sweet potatoes for approximately 1 hour (I poke holes in mine) or until tender when pierced with a knife.  Cool slightly.
  2. Shred apples in the food processor, fitted with the grating blade (or thinly slice, whatever is easier).  Set aside.
  3. Remove skins from the potatoes, and either place in the food processor or mash together (I normally just mash because it's easier) with the butter, corn syrup, brown sugar, bourbon, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.  Puree until smooth, scraping sides of bowl as necessary.
  4. Grease a 10-inch gratin dish or deep pie plate.  Spread half the pureed mixture in the prepared dish.  Add half the shredded apples.  Add remaining potatoes and finish with remaining apples.  
  5. Sprinkle with prepared topping mixture and bake at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes (until hot).

  • Never bake sweet potatoes higher than 375 degrees.
  • To freeze casserole, you may assemble all but the top layer of apples and streusel.  Thaw, put apples and topping on it, then bake. 
So there you have it!  Not too hard, and as I said, totally worth the effort because it's delicious.  You'll have to let me know if you decide to add it to your Thanksgiving rotation this year (and what you think!)!

Dan went to the Panthers game tonight, so L and I were on our own.  Since Dan and I were traveling yesterday I didn't do the grocery shopping until this evening, but it was fine because Lilly LOVES to go to the grocery store (probably because of the free cookies but whatever).  Our girls night was low-key but a lot of fun!  

Because posts aren't nearly as fun without photos, I'll leave you with one of L at dinner.  How the child managed to get black beans on her eye I will never know, but at least she's happy!
Love, love, LOVE this little nugget!
Happy Monday!  Tomorrow is glucose test day for me, so wish me luck.  I am actually not as nervous about the glucose test as I am about seeing the doctor.  I really like the doctor I'm seeing tomorrow but he's the one that told me I needed to be careful about my weight so I'm afraid I'm going to get fussed at.  I'll report back in tomorrow's update!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Soap?!?! And Weekend Roundup.

Howdy, friends!  I am back from Texas and preparing to kick off another (busy!!!!!) week.  We had a lot of fun visiting my SIL and her fam - more to come on that in a minute, but first, some business:

I am in search of some soap!  I know it's a long shot, but I am sincerely hoping that somewhere, someone out there stumbles upon this post and has seen what I'm searching for and can help me.  A LONG time ago (I can't remember whether it was when L was born or at her baptism or some other time, but either way we're looking at over a year [or maybe even two!] ago), a good family friend gave us a bar of baby soap.  I am almost positive that it was called "Baby's Butt" or "Baby's Bottom" or some variation of that.  L's skin is SO sensitive that I never did try it, but recently during one of our cleanouts I stumbled upon it in her bathroom and forgot that it smells DIVINE so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I was convinced that she would not react well (we have to be SO careful with what we put on her skin, like her mama she is very sensitive and prone to hives), so imagine my shock when she had no reaction.  Needless to say we've been using it since and I love it.  I am seriously OB.SESSED. with this soap, and now that we're almost out I'm devastated that I didn't take note of anything about it before I opened it (like the exact name or who makes it, etc.).  I contacted the family friend who gave it to us, and she said she thought she got it at the Lush counter at Macy's in Chicago where she lives.  I googled to no end, and I actually even called and had another friend who lives in Chicago go check out the Lush counter for me and it doesn't appear that they have ever carried anything like it (at least not recently), and in fact their website says that they don't make any products for children under a certain age.  It is a rectangular bar of soap, clear in color with what looks like white chunks in it (almost looks like chunks of another bar of soap broken up inside), like so:

I am pretty sure that it was wrapped in a tight, clear wrapping and tied with some sort of twine or string.  I have googled everything that I could possibly think to google (and gotten some questionable results along the way pertaining to putting slivers of bar soap in baby's bottom to relieve constipation?!?!?!) and cannot find this stuff anywhere, so if anyone happens to have seen it or knows what it is and can point me in the right direction I will buy you a present.  And I am not kidding.

As for the weekend roundup, as I said before, we had a lot of fun in Texas!  I of course did not manage to take a single photo, I am seriously horrible about that.  Lilly's cousin Dorothy is so cute and getting SO BIG!  We were able to participate in Mere & Mikey's annual "Friendsgiving" feast on Friday evening.  On Saturday, there was lots of relaxing, some shopping, a mani/pedi and a pretty serious girl v. boy Canasta battle.  OH and only the best cheese dip of all time from Lupe Tortilla:

 I had to post this pic just for Steph!  When we worked together we used to travel to Houston some and ate at Lupe Tortilla at least twice/week just for the cheese dip.  It is seriously the best I've ever had, so if you're ever in the area you should for sure check it out!  They also have excellent margaritas (which I unfortunately did not get to partake in this visit!).  :-)
All of that on top of all of the baby snuggles we got made it a pretty great weekend!  

Lilly stayed with Grandma Susie and Papa and based on the photos we received and the reports we got, it sounds like they all had a blast:

I was SO HAPPY to see her sweet face when we got home this afternoon.  It was a nice weekend away, but I missed that little nugget so much!  And she was extra sweet all evening, especially before bed, which of course made my whole life:

"Mommy hold Lilly's hand please."  SWOON.
There is only a one-hour time difference between Raleigh and Houston, but that combined with staying up late means I am even more beat than normal...I actually meant to go to bed approximately 2 hours ago but stayed up too late posting some crap on eBay.  

Big week ahead for me (glucose test AND my biggest event of the year at work!), so I'm calling it a night.  Hope your weekend was fantastic!


Thursday, November 14, 2013


It's been a busy day/night and I am tired per the usual, so this post is going to be full of non-baby-related randomness.  Dan and I are leavin' on a jet plane tomorrow to go visit his sister & fam in Houston, Texas and it's going to be 80 degrees all weekend!  A big change from the low temps we've been experiencing here in Raleigh this week, for sure.  Lilly gets to hang out with Grandma Susie and Papa all weekend, and she seems pretty stoked.

I got some new boots today with my eBay proceeds and I am REAL excited about them.

I was recently told by my husband that I couldn't ask for anything else until Christmas.  Luckily, he made an exception.  Hurray!  Can't wait until these pretties make their way onto my tootsies. 

I also got a "just because" surprise from the hubby today, which I am equally as excited about:
Is he the best/sweetest, or what?  He said he was walking by the M&L store and saw them and didn't think I had many gold earrings and thought that these would look nice with the gold accessories I like to wear.  Love that man.  And love that they are named the "Lille" earrings.  He made my whole week!

Speaking of Christmas, I need to start my shopping.  I have been so focused on other things that I haven't really thought about it.  While we're at it, can anyone thing of anything that I want for Christmas?  I'm having trouble coming up with ideas that aren't the most lame ever.  When did I get so old?

I entered about a million contests today on various blogs in hopes that I can win a rug from Mohawk Homes for the playroom.  I saw this one on a blog recently and became obsessed:

When I stumbled on their website, I found about a million more that are equally as great.  Fingers crossed I win one...although I won't get my hopes up because I never win anything, SIGH.

Oh, and the loaded broccoli and cheese with bacon soup recipe that I tried tonight (from Monday's Meal Plan)?  SERIOUSLY amazing.  Maybe the best soup ever.  Make it.  Right now.  You can thank me later.

And, finally, I'm starting to have a little bit of anxiety about Baby Boy's nursery because I cannot for the life of me make a decision about how I want to decorate.  With construction beginning (and hopefully also ending!) next weekend, I need to get a move on.  All I know is that I want a gray crib.  Any and all suggestions welcome!

That's it for me for tonight...I'll report back on Sunday.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Festivities: Fall Feast

Shame on me for starting Thanksgiving posts without first finishing up the Halloween ones.  Oopsie!  I guess it's a good thing that I learned my lesson last month - post quickly or it will never got posted, ha!

Today we had our first Thanksgiving-related activity, and I have been so excited about it for two weeks: Lilly's school hosted a Fall Feast!!!  The school provided a Thanksgiving meal for a small fee and we all got to eat together.  We had so much fun, and all of the littles looked so sweet in their Thanksgiving-themed outfits!  Lilly rocked her new shirt from MoJo's Boutique.

I need to take a time out to plug MoJo's.  Amber is so great to work with (so responsive and friendly!), her turnaround time is quick, and most of all her stuff is CUTE.  I think she only sells on Facebook but seriously do yourself a favor and check her out and tell her I sent you!  If you happen to stop by her page and notice the Christmas PJ's with the sparkly reindeer applique you will absolutely die - I saw them and knew that Lilly absolutely HAD to have a pair even though she already has approximately 23849327432 sets of Christmas PJs (Seriously, at the rate I'm going on Christmas jammies I'm going to have to wake her up halfway through every night in December and change her jammies so she can wear them all, ha!).  The Christmas PJs arrived in the mail today and they are even cuter in person.  Seriously, check her out!

Back to the Thanksgiving Feast: there really isn't much to say because it ended up basically just being what I imagine it would be like to eat lunch with your kids at school, but we still had fun and I'm so glad that both Dan and I got to go.  The food was DELICIOUS.  Dan and I decided that we need to figure out where they got that turkey, because 99% of the time Lilly is a self-proclaimed vegetarian but she sure did love the turkey.  Carney and Kinsley met us for lunch too, and we all had a ball!

Lilly was so excited to see Mommy and Daddy at lunch!


L and Kins

Chocolate chip cookies for dessert are delicious.  And also hilarious.

If you only knew how hard I hard to work for this photo...

Neighbor besties

Dancing on the stage.  Think she likes the spotlight?

The shirt.  I die.  Seriously, check out MoJo's Boutique NOW.

Kinsley had a ball, too!

Family photo.  Not our best effort as Lilly was feeling uncooperative, but not too shabby.  Love these people!
Tonight was busy for us.  Since I got home from work at 5:30 I have: cooked dinner, cleaned out/reorganized things in the future nursery to start getting them moved out for construction to start next week, gotten Lilly to bed, chopped a ton of veggies and shredded cheese to prep for tomorrow night's dinner, worked a little, and written this blog.  Suffice it to say that mama is BEAT.

Hope your Hump Day was great!  Tomorrow is the last day of the work week for me and I have a ton to do, but am looking forward to a little down time.


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