I can't believe it's time for another monthly update! I was just thinking this morning about how time has flown - it seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital, and now here we are 6 months later. Where did my baby go and who is this big girl?!
Anyway, monthly updates and every other post I ever write are always long, so I'll get right to it.
Weight/Length: I'll report back with official stats after tomorrow's 6-month check up. If we are below 20 lbs, I'll be shocked. I can't wait to find out her percentiles - my money says she's still up there on both weight and length.
Sleep: Still a great sleeper! There have been some nights recently where Lilly has been up on and off due to various reasons - lately, teething is the culprit - but I can't even complain about those nights because if she's ever up it's only once and she's back down within 15 minutes. Bed time is normally around 7:30 pm, and wake up time varies, but on a typical day it's some time between 7-8 am. She has made it easy on us for sure!
Feeding: Still primarily nursing, and it's still every 3-4 hours (usually more on the 3-hour end of that range unless a nap falls in between feedings). We have started feeding her solids twice/day - fruit in the morning and veggies at night. Up to this point, I've made all of her purees. The solids she's tried so far, in no particular order, are: rice cereal, oatmeal, pears, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, carrots, apples, peaches, plums. I think the only thing we have left in the stage one foods is green beans - there may be one or two more that I'm forgetting.
Firsts This Month: I know I say this at every monthly update, but I really need to start making a list as these occur, because I know I always leave things out. The big ones are: first "solids" (read: purees), first wedding (Aunt Katy's!), first time sitting up without help (short periods of time only), first time rolling from tummy to back (she's been rolling from back to tummy for a while but finally got the hang of the opposite way shortly after last month's post). I wish I could say first tooth - I know teething can last quite a while, but the past day or so has not been fun!
Developments: As I mentioned above, Lilly can now sit up on her own for short periods of time without help. I normally put the boppy pillow behind her if I'm not going to be nearby, because she's still a little wobbly. She's discovered her feet and loves to grab them, so that makes her fall over a lot. She continues to be very vocal, and I love watching her learn and explore. She can now roll both ways and prefers to sleep on her tummy. She is so mobile already and she's not even crawling yet - and she is into everything. Soooo nosey, my child. I am expecting her to crawl sooner rather than later - she appears to be super close.
Likes: Being outside (she LOVES to swing on the front porch) and swimming are two of her favorite things in the whole world. Layla. Bath time. Snuggling. Giggling. Reading books. Nap time/sleeping in general. Sucking her thumb (especially when sleepy). Eating - her favorite solids so far are apples, pears and butternut squash (sweet tooth like her Mommy, I guess!). Favorite toys (thanks to Auntie Steph/Hadley for a lot of the teething toy recommendations!): pony tails book, vibrating strawberry teether, baby banana toothbrush (loves to chew on this!), gigglin' bee ball, Jumperoo. Music. Laughing. Rolling all over the place - she is a rolling machine! Being naked. Being silly with Daddy.
Dislikes: I always have a harder time with this category - there's not much that the child doesn't like. Please don't misunderstand and think that I am saying Lilly is never fussy, but she generally is a very happy child. In terms of food, she is pretty unsure about carrots, peas, plums, and she decidedly hates rice cereal and oatmeal. I've been able to sneak a little oatmeal into her apples a few times, but I have to be careful on the amount - she won't eat it if she can taste it. Still hates sunscreen and getting dressed (really only before bed time because she's tired). She also doesn't like to do one thing for too long - she hates to be bored. For the first time, I can leave off cold water - the pool has been cold several times and she has been OK, so I guess she's decided that she likes water of all kinds?
What I'm Thankful For: Tonight I am thankful for a 7:30 bed time, Tylenol and Ora-Gel. My poor baby girl's teeth hurt so bad that she wouldn't eat much, just kept chewing on
her high chair:
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appointment tomorrow! I have lots of questions. I'm not looking forward to the shots, though. We have lots of fun things coming up, but a few I'm excited about are swim lessons and our Eaker family trip to the mountains in a few weeks.
Next Pediatrician Appointment: Tomorrow, July 25!
How Mommy's Doing: Still great! Still trying to figure out how to get to work on time and how to magically melt away some lbs, but other than that, all is well.
Lilly was feeling too yucky to cooperate for photos with her monthly sticker tonight (teething-induced low-grade fevers are no fun!), so I'm going to try again in the morning if she's in a good mood. Instead, I'll leave you with some pictures from the past few days...the last two were actually taken this morning, so not a total fail on taking them on the actual day of her monthly "birthday".
This first series was taken over the weekend. Dan left last Tuesday morning before Lilly woke up and didn't get home until after she went to bed on Friday night, so she didn't see him from Monday until Saturday. I took these pictures of her hearing his voice and then seeing him when he got home...sweet girl loves her Daddy!
Not thrilled about her church dress on Sunday:
Silly girl goofing off after bath time Sunday night:
She was mid-belly-laugh in this one and looks kind of possessed, but I thought it was hilarious! |
Yes, you are seeing this correctly: they were both in the same chair at the same time and cooperated long enough for me to get a picture! |
Happy 6 months, sweet Lillian Grace - the best six of my life so far. I love watching you learn and grow, and you have taught me so much much already. Most of all, I love being your Mommy. I love you, baby girl!