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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Water Baby

My child LOVES to be in the water.  I present to you evidence in the form of tonight's bath:

Mind you, the water has to be the right temperature in order for homegirl to be happy.  It doesn't have to be hot, but it certainly can't be cold.  Here are a few pictures I snapped of Lilly getting ready to go to the pool over the weekend:

We've been to the pool to "swim" almost every day for the past week.  On Saturday and Sunday, we went for about two hours each day (we went in the late afternoon and stayed in the shade, of course).  The child LOVES it, I tell you.  Double bonus?  It wears her out.  

Side note: this float is amazing.  I bought mine at Target but it's cheaper on Amazon.  We love it so much that we ordered one to keep at my in-laws' house at the beach, and I'm about to order another one to keep at my Mom's house.  Do yourself a favor and get it - Lilly loves hers and will sit in it all by herself for long periods of time.

In fact, Carney and I took  Lilly and Callie to the pool for about 45 minutes when I got home from work today.  She giggled and splashed the whole time.  

I'm glad L loves to be around the water - my parents have a pool and Dan's parents live at the beach, so we want her to like and be comfortable in the water.  We signed her up for a "mommy and me" swim class that starts in August.  She and her bestie Hadley will be taking their first swim lessons together at the Alexander Family YMCA (per the recommendation of a friend) starting next month.  I am so excited and can't wait to see how cute they are, but I surely hope the water is semi warm or I fear we won't make it through a single lesson.  Cuteness overload in the form of photos and videos to come!  In the mean time, here is a quick video I took of Dan and Lilly being silly in the water on Sunday.  As usual, please ignore the baby talk and squealing coming out of my mouth - so annoying, I know, but I can't help it.  I don't even realize I'm baby talking half the time!

Hope you've had a great Tuesday!  Lilly and I are excited to see Grandmommy and Pawpaw tomorrow - they're coming to stay for the rest of the week, yay!



  1. SO CUTE SMARAH! I heart her open face smile!!! So funny! Xoxoxos

  2. I personally hate the heat of summer, but it does make for some delightfully fun times in water! Continue to enjoy it all!


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