I feel like a terrible mother, because I had every intention of posting yesterday in honor of Lilly's one-month birthday and then I didn't get around to it. Sometimes I really don't know where the day goes. At least I took some pictures! Meagan gave us some cute stickers to commemorate each month of Lilly's life for the first year, and I'm so glad she did - what a great idea (I know they are from etsy, I'm not sure which seller but there are tons to choose from if you do a quick search)!
I must say that Lilly was less than amused by this photo op (Perhaps she didn't love changing clothes 6 times since Mommy couldn't decide on an outfit?), so the pictures are not the best, but we tried! She has really good control of her head, but only when she wants to (Wonder where she got her stubbornness from?! Between Mommy, Daddy and her namesake she didn't have a prayer.), so the result was that I would prop her up but by the time I got the camera ready she had wriggled herself down into an awkward position. Anyway, behold Lilly at one month old:
Dan and I celebrated her one month birthday by going out to dinner last night for the first time. Grandmommy (my Mom) and Aunt Niecey came into town for the night and kept her for us. It was very hard to leave her, but we had a wonderful dinner and it was nice to spend some time just the two of us.
We were reflecting yesterday on Lilly's first month of life, and what a wonderful (and wild) ride it's been so far. Even though she's only been with us for a month, it's already hard to imagine what life was like before she was here. She brings so much joy to us, and completes us in a way we didn't know was possible. I told Dan last night, it's almost like she filled a part of me that I never even knew was empty before. I never knew that my heart could be so big and full, or that I could love so much - that goes for both Lilly and her Daddy (and Layla, too!). She is growing so much and changes so much every day. I have already learned so much from her - namely, that I cannot control every situation and that my OCD needs to go out the window at times (and to trust my instincts and not be such a worry wart!). She is a truly great baby - so happy (unless she's cold, hungry, or gassy - gets that last one from Daddy, ha!), and luckily for us, very easy. I'm not saying there have not been frustrating times over the past month, but the great times have FAR outweighed the frustrating ones. I know our journey is just beginning, and I can't wait to see what is in store for my perfect little family. We are so blessed, and I thank God every day for that.
In other news, we got her newborn photos this week! They are SO GOOD, and I can't wait to share them. Perhaps you can all help me narrow down which one(s) to use on her birth announcements?! Anyway, stay tuned because they're coming up in another post this week.
Happy one month to you, sweet Lillian Grace. Mommy loves you more than she knows how to put into words.
Is that curtains and bedding I see? Must come see the nursery soon!!