I know I'm a few days late on this, and I wasn't even sure I had the energy to blog before I sat down, but if I wait for a "good time" to post it will never happen!
Weight/Length: You didn't really think I'd know this without a doctor appointment, did you? Although, I just realized as I typed that sentence that I never updated last month after our appointment. At L's 9-month check-up, her stats were as follows: 28 inches long (80th %, up from 26.5 inches/90th % at 6 months); 20 lbs 13.5 oz (85th %, up from 18 lbs/96th % at 6 months). Her weight/length % was 85 at 9 months. SO, if I had to guess, I'd say right now she's somewhere around there, possibly slightly bigger. :-)
Feeding: We are still nursing, although I'm probably going to try to start figuring out how to slowly wean shortly (can't talk about it). Lilly nurses when she wakes up, after her morning nap (before lunch), after her afternoon nap (before dinner), and before bed. She is nursing less these days so we've just this week started decreasing the size of her bottles to 5 oz. again, which is a relief because my freezer supply is thinning quickly due to all of the trips we've taken and I don't produce a ton when pumping anymore.
Lilly prefers to feed herself these days and mainly eats whatever we're having, although I am still able to sneak some purees in between bites. For the first time this month, I've noticed some pickiness/taste bud changes. For example: I haven't made home made chicken noodle soup since last winter, and I made some yesterday as part of a meal to take to a friend who recently had a baby. Last night Lilly was literally INHALING the soup. Dan put the noodles on her tray and she was slurping and smacking and squealing because he couldn't feed her fast enough - it was the first time she'd tried it and she LOVED it. Tonight, however, when I tried to feed it to her again, she was not having it. She would put a noodle in her mouth and then spit it out, and then spent quite a lot of time playing with the noodles on her tray. We couldn't figure it out, because she liked it so much last night! Dan said that maybe she's like him and doesn't like to eat the same thing two nights in a row. I told him that maybe she's like our niece, Erica, who is famous for once telling my in-laws that she "doesn't eat leftovers" (love that kid!). Lilly loves to try new things, and any time anyone is eating anything in her presence, she will open that little mouth like a bird for a bite. She loves to feed Layla as well.
Yet again we introduced way too many new foods to name this month, but two memorable additions (besides the chicken noodle soup) were chinese pork (courtesy of Mere & Mikey) and fried turkey at Thanksgiving. Lilly will eat both fruits and veggies, but prefers fruit. She must like the sweet flavor, because her favorite veggies are those that are sweet as well. A few of her favorite foods as of late: turkey breast, string cheese, applesauce (this is probably her hands-down favorite), peeled apples, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, bananas, pasta, blueberries, graham crackers, cheerios.
Firsts This Month: The most memorable "first" this month was for sure L's first Thanksgiving. Sorry in advance for photo overload, I tried and failed to narrow it down further:
Cute Thanksgiving-themed PJs! |
The outfit. I die. |
Outfit #2, also known as the "dinner outfit". Because I couldn't decide which one to buy so I bought both. :-) |
First taste of turkey! |
Dan wanted to see what L would do with her own piece. I think it was a hit! |
I can't leave her alone with her father... |
Dan refers to this as her "pilgrim look." |
First taste of cool whip, which Dan was supposed to be serving on the pie. Also a big hit. |
Family pics, courtesy of Grandma Susie |
Developments: There are so many every month, my baby girl is just growing way too fast. She is a professional "cruiser" and will often push herself up into a standing position in the middle of the floor without holding on to anything. She'll stand for a few seconds and then once she realizes what she's doing, she's surprised and plops down on her bottom. She definitely prefers to be standing, and if there's nothing within her reach to hold onto and cruise, she has no problem plopping down and crawling off at the speed of lightning. Lilly "sings" (I call it singing, basically she'll just kind of hum in a sing-song voice that's super cute), laughs, coos, and babbles all the time. She is now more than ever repeating sounds back to us. She is into absolutely everything - I don't care if I have just vacuumed the rug, she will find some microscopic spec of something on it and immediately put it in her mouth. Her favorite thing to repeat is "uh uh" (I try not to say the word "no" all the time so she doesn't ignore it on principle, so we're working on variations of "no" which still get the point across). She discovered the stairs shortly aftr my last post, so that's been lots of fun (can you say baby gate?). Also, we went from 2 teeth to 6 teeth overnight. She has her bottom center teeth, and shortly after those her top center teeth came in, and we just noticed over the weekend that there is one on either side of those with 2 more that have just broken through. She has also in the last two weeks started using a push toy to walk. We don't have one at the house - she's getting one for Christmas - but the neighbors whose house she stays at every day have one. Carney sent me this photo today:
She sent me a few more that were blurry because L was off. I guess we know she'll like at least one of her Christmas presents! :-)
Likes: Mostly repeats from last month: being outside. Eating. Layla. Bath time. Snuggling (but only on her terms - normally when she's tired or feeling icky/teething). Giggling. Talking/cooing. Reading books (She LOVES reading books and it is really the only time she'll sit still these days. She gets so excited and has started turning the pages, too.). Nap time/sleeping in general. Sucking her thumb (especially when sleepy). Music - she LOVES to sing songs, the sillier the better (Daddy's specialty). Laughing. Crawling (especially towards things she shouldn't be getting into). Standing. Walking/cruising. Being naked. Squealing. Babbling. Being silly with Daddy. Jumperoo and door jumper. Grocery shopping/shopping in general/public outings/people watching. Blocks. Walks/stroller rides. Bike rides. Sampling anything and everything Mommy and Daddy are eating. Pulling and standing up.
What I'm Thankful For: I had some time to reflect during the Thanksgiving holiday. I am so truly blessed and thankful for so many things. I am thankful for family and a wonderful support system. I am thankful to have the best friends in the world. I'm thankful that Dan and I both have good jobs that we enjoy. I'm thankful for my little family. I am thankful to have a thoughtful, supportive, loving husband, and I am thankful that I get to fall in love with him a little more with each passing day as I watch him with our daughter. I am thankful for a happy, flexible, healthy, beautiful baby girl. And I am truly thankful that God chose me to be her mommy.
What I'm Looking Forward To: More Holiday fun! Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year. We are heading to the mountains this weekend to start a new family tradition of choosing our Christmas tree, and while I know Lilly is too young to understand it just yet, I'm still excited about it. I can't wait to see how she reacts to Santa when we take her to see him. I'm excited about all of our holiday celebrations, spending time with family, and Christmas morning. Eeek! Oh, and I'm also excited that since Thanksgiving has passed, it's now officially appropriate to listen to Christmas music 24/7 - and watch Elf as many times as I want. Yippee!
How Mommy's Doing: I'm feeling like I have a better grip on things this month. That's not to say that I never feel stretched thin any more - maybe I'm just getting more used to it, but I feel like I've done a little better at juggling everything.
As always, this post was way longer than I intended when I sat down to write. Happy 10 months, Lilly bean. Being your mama is the best thing I've ever done. I love you to the moon and back, a million times over.
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com