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Sunday, March 9, 2014

The best day.

Our whole weekend was great, honestly, but today was especially wonderful.  Maybe it's because it's Layla's birthday...

Happy birthday to my sweet firstborn (not by me, obviously), Layla.  You have brought so much joy to our family over the past 6 years and we love you so much, sweet girl!
...or it could be a result of the fact that the weather today was absolutely phenomenal.  Probably it's a combination of both.  Today was just...fantastic.  I probably shouldn't jinx it by putting it in writing on the online, but Craft was only up once overnight (around 4:00 or 4:30) after going to bed around 10:00 for the second night in a row, so I feel a little more rested than I have felt in a while.  Everyone slept in this morning (even with the clocks moving forward an hour), and Meagan and Kinsley had breakfast with us and then we had a fun visit from Jen and Elle.

Kins (10 mos) and Craft (1 month).  She's so little and he's so big!  
After that, it was party time!  We headed to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham to celebrate our sweet friend Winsley turning one.  The party was awesome, and I can't wait for Quinn to blog about it because I know she got some adorable pictures.  We've never been to the museum before but it is really amazing and we had a blast.  Lilly especially loved playing with one of her favorite people in the whole world, Ellington.

Silly girls!

We were having so much fun that we decided to forego L's nap so that we could spend more time at the museum.  I was afraid that between the time change and the lack of nap it would be a long evening for us, but L was surprisingly fine.  We got home around 4:30 and spent some time outside and then enjoyed a short visit from Dan's parents.  

I told Dan that I feel like I am finally adjusting to my new role as mama of two.  That is an entirely different blog post in itself, but today I just felt really happy and optimistic about things.  Maybe I was just in a state of euphoria that we managed to get ourselves out of the house and to a public gathering alive and (mostly) unscathed (who cares if we were half an hour late because the squish needed to eat?), but I felt like today was the first day where I didn't worry with guilt that one child or the other isn't getting enough attention, or that there aren't enough hours in the day, etc. etc.  It probably helped that there were minimal meltdowns and both children were in exceptional moods.  At the same time.  #Winning.

I just put little man down and am heading to bed right behind him in the case that the past two nights have been a fluke.  :-)  I'll leave you with a few more photos of what we were up to the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning, Dan took Lilly on a donut date.  This girl llllooovvveeeessss donuts.  

The Krispy Kreme folks loved that L was still in her jammies so they gave her a donut hole while she waited.

Did I mention that she llooovveeessss donuts?
After breakfast, Dan and L ran some errands.  Craft spent the morning snoozing, so I took the opportunity to wash and sanitize the rest of our baby toys.  I'd already washed all of the cloth ones, so all that was left was the plastics.  I probably need to do a deep clean of the rest of the toys in the playroom at some point, but baby toys were enough for one morning.  Such a glamorous way to spend a free Saturday morning, yes?

Did I mention that our weather this weekend was glorious?!  We spent a lot of time outside.  

C really digs being outside.

L digs being outside, too.  And popcorn.
Meagan snapped this next series of photos of C and I, and I'm glad because I realized I forgot to take a photo of him in his cute overalls.

Hope your weekend was great as well!


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