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Monday, October 10, 2011

California Love

Tell me you won't have that song in your head for the rest of your day now.  It's been playing in my mind for the past three days, like a theme song!  Wish I knew more words than just the chorus, though - I've just ben repeating that part over and over.  :-)

I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but it's because we were in route to and then arrived in sunny California.  All I can say is that it is GORGEOUS here!  Case in point: 

Sunset on Saturday evening
I can't WAIT to get home and blog about all of the fun we're having.  We are spending the first part of our trip in Newport Beach with my bff from college Sheila and it is incredible here.  She lives less than a block from the beach, and it's so beautiful that I'm not sure how she ever goes to work.  On Thursday, Chris and Andrea are flying in and we're spending the rest of our week and weekend in Palm Desert.  I hear there are some fabulous outlets there, and apparently I am allowed to spend money on vacation so I might come home with some sweet little girl clothes.  :-)

That's all for now, Sheila is off of work for Columbus Day and we have lots of activities planned!  I will try to do the 22 week update and blog some this week, but apologies in advance if I don't!  In order to make it up to you, I will leave you with this:

Please try to ignore my disgusting un-pedicured feet - I hope to get that fixed today.  Anyway, in case you can't tell, the above picture is demonstrating what I encountered when I got off the plane: cankles.  CANKLES.  Apparently my pregnant body hates flying, because I was SO SWOLLEN when I got off the plane. I couldn't stop staring.  Seriously, my toes look like sausages and I have cankles.  The joys of pregnancy!  I propped my feet up and drank lots of water so they are looking a little better, praise the Lord - how embarrassing.  Now if I could just get over this jet lag, I would be in great shape - it has not been easy on my pregnant body.

Happy Monday!


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