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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Heart.

I walked upstairs to this tonight...

...and all was right with the world.  I love these two more than I could ever express.

And just in case you wanted some cuteness overload, here are some photos from earlier in the evening of my girl hamming it up, courtesy of Auntie Meagan:

Happy Hump Day!



  1. it's nice to see that Dan is finally learning to read . Keep that smile of yours ... it does just keep getting better

  2. AHH! SO sweet. Lilly is the cutest. I love reading your updates!! xoxo

  3. Where is your glider from? I've been looking for one like this :)

    1. I am so sorry, I have been having trouble figuring out how to respond to comments! We actually got our glider at BuyBuy Baby. If there is a store near you, I HIGHLY recommend it for registering and all things baby - that's where all of Lilly's furniture came from. Those 20% off coupons that you get in the mail are eligible to be used on furniture, too, so it saved us a LOT of money. Good luck!


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