There have been a two times in the past week when I've felt like a horrible mother: one which I am about to tell you, and the other involving sleep training, which I will post on later in the week.
I went to pick up Lilly on Tuesday, and Carney, our nanny, asked me to bring a hat for Lilly because they spend a lot of time outside. She said that typically she just covered the stroller with Lilly's blanket when they're on walks, but at other times a hat would be helpful. I thought it was a good idea, and had actually been meaning to take one to leave with her but kept forgetting, so it was a good reminder. I said to Carney, "Also let me know if I need to bring sunscreen over, but I always leave some in her diaper bag in case you need it." To which Carney replied, "Oh, I didn't think you were supposed to put sunscreen on them until they're 6 months old." I gave her a panicked look and then muttered something about the one we've been using being chemical-free, and was feeling like a terrible mother for having never heard this 6-month sunscreen rule.
Y'all know how I am - for the next several hours I let it eat at me, creating terrible scenarios in my head about how I've poisoned my child's skin. Remember last weekend when we lotioned Lilly right up before taking her for her first dip in the pool?
Honestly, I thought I was doing a good thing by turning into a sunscreen nazi and trying to protect Lilly's sensitive skin. I am not sure why, with all of the research I've done on everything else, it never occurred to me to check and make sure it was ok. It's not like I put her in direct sunlight all of the time to work on her tan - in fact, when we were at my parents' house last weekend, I never even took her out to the pool before 4:00 each day, when the pool was mostly shaded.
I talked to several girlfriends about this dilemma, and while all knew about the 6-month rule, they all assured me that she'd be fine. After talking to them and doing some googling, it turns out that really the reasoning behind the 6-month rule of thumb is that infants prior to 6 months of age are not supposed to be in direct sunlight. So really, it's not as much about the sunscreen itself (and the skin-poisoning ingredients I created in my head) as it is about being safe with your infant in the sunlight. I called the doctor for good measure and they affirmed.
In the mean time, I comforted myself with the fact that I've been using chemical-free sunscreen, and she hasn't had any skin reactions, so I guess it's safe to assume that means she's poison-free. Does it look like I've harmed her at all? Judge for yourself:
It's early to bed for this tired Momma. The Baums have a busy week and weekend ahead! Hope your weekend was fabulous. :-)
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