I haven't done one of these in a while, mainly because we haven't really been doing much ha! So lame/old, I know. And it's a day late, #winning. This weekend wasn't much different in that we didn't do a ton but we got to spend a lot of time together as a family and it was wonderful. Everyone was in a great mood for most of the weekend, perhaps due to the fact that the weather was absolutely glorious.
We kicked the weekend off early on Friday morning when I got brave, put on my big girl panties and took the kids to see Daddy at work. Bo's Mom was sweet enough to have the cutest shirts made for C and L that say "Big Sis Lilly" and "Little Bro Craft," so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to wear them before the squish outgrows his. They've worn them several times but I haven't ever been able to catch both of them in a good mood at the same time to snap a pic, so I was glad that both were in good spirits on Friday morning because we got some cute photos.
Thanks Miss Nancy, we love them!
L wore these glasses into the building. She is a trip! In fact, on the elevator a man was riding up with us and he told her that he liked her glasses. She stuck her hand out and said, "Hi! I'm Lilly. It's nice to meet you." Then said, "Who is that, Mommy?" She's a mess I am telling you! |
Excited to go see Daddy! |
My loves. |
Dan was able to head home fairly early on Friday afternoon, so we spent the afternoon playing in the back yard and enjoying the beautiful weather.
The water in the table and pool was freezing but Lilly had a blast anyway! |
We decided last-minute that a Friday evening date night might be nice, and luckily Morgan was able to babysit for us. We asked her to come at 8 and we put Lilly down before we went out so that she'd only be responsible for Craft - he is still so young that I didn't want her to have to deal with putting both of them to bed just yet. His witching hours have not happened nearly as often since I posted about them, thank the Lord, but I didn't want to chance it. Of course I didn't get a pic, but we had a lovely evening even though by the time we got out we were exhausted and could have gone to bed. We tried a new restaurant, Stanbury, which I would highly recommend and then went to Capital Club 16 for dessert and after dinner drinks - also highly recommend. It was really nice to get a break for a little while and spend some time together, and C did fine for Morgan luckily!
Our neighborhood's annual Easter Egg Hunt was on Saturday morning. We took Hadley and Lilly two years ago, and I know that we went last year as well but I apparently did not post about it (or if I did I can't find it and I'm too impatient to keep looking). Anyway, the Aldridges were able to join us again and we had a blast!
Lills and Haddles |
Lills and Kins |
Lilly was WAY more interested in eating her candy than the actual egg hunting, per the usual. She is my child. After the egg hunt, there were donuts (see above) and photos with the Easter Bunny. Hadley loved him...
...the closest Lilly would get was to wave from 100 feet away...
...and Craft wasn't particularly amused either, just really sleepy.
Since everyone was up and in real clothes good moods, we decided to run to REI to check out a few things, and it was there that we discovered that we need an Osprey child carrier in the worst way.
Would be perfect to leave this in the mountains, yes? Lilly LOVED it and cried when she had to get out. Too bad they're $300. Craft, again, was mainly just really sleepy.
Thanks to the Heaths for letting us borrow their Bjorn until I decide on a carrier! |
When we got home from REI, C was in a great mood after his cat nap so I took the opportunity to snap some pics of the kids in their Easter shirts. Thank you, Mimi! Can't wait to get photos of Craft, Lilly and Mason in their shirts when we're all together for Easter next weekend.
Smiley C. So expressive! |
Have I mentioned that I adore these two? |
Craft thinks that Lilly is the best. |
After some more napping for both kids, we spent the afternoon/evening playing in the water again.
Kins came to play! |
Baby Grace has to do everything with us these days. |
C did some more snoozing. |
Saturday night was pretty low-key. We had a dinner picnic outside for I'm pretty sure the 7th day straight, put the kids to bed and watched some basketball.
On Sunday, we were super lazy. The kids both woke up around 9 and we started off the day by watching Tangled and lounging in our pajamas well past the appropriate amount of time.
It was cooler on Sunday, so we played inside for the most part in the morning...
"Come play Legos with Daddy, Baby Grace." |
...and Lills got a pedi.
He's getting good at this. |
Dan headed to Augusta last night so Aunt Jennifer and Ethan came over to help me with the kids. Poor C unfortunately had the worst evening he's had in weeks - he was pretty fussy so I was glad they were here to help. I was so frustrated with him and my nerves were so frazzled, but then he nuzzled into my neck to go to sleep (finally) and I forgave him. :-)
All in all, it was a great weekend. Hope yours was, too, and that your week is off to a great start! Stay tuned for Craft's 2-month update.
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