I was out of town for work at the beach again on Thursday evening/Friday morning, so we decided to stay for the weekend and visit with Dan's parents. Cousin Erica came with them, and we all had a blast! The weather was beautiful - it was very windy/sand storm-like on Friday and Saturday but it was perfect on Sunday (of course, since that's the day we had to leave!). It was such a nice weekend! I took approximately 1 million photos (disclaimer: all on my iPhone so crappy quality), so I'll just post those since that's all people normally care about anyway. :-) Another side note: I know a lot of these are of the same things, but I can't help myself and I can't narrow them down any further so, sorry not sorry!
On Friday morning, I headed to work bright and early so Dan was on "Daddy duty." I got lots of update texts throughout the morning, though, which are always exciting. The morning was cool, so Daddy and his girl went on a bike ride to have pancakes for breakfast (so cute!), and then they spent the rest of their morning at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher. L, of course, had a blast:
I finished up with work and arrived home shortly after L went down for her nap, which really was fine by me because I wanted one too. A nice little family Friday afternoon nap was just what we needed! After nap, we headed to the beach. I mentioned before that it was really windy - really I felt like that must be what it's like to live in the desert. It was not pleasant for Dan or me, but of course it didn't bother Lilly one bit. She had a ball!
L is definitely my child. She would play in the sand for a few minutes and then immediately ask to wash her hands off, so we had to get her her own personal water bucket. Hilarious! I can't say I mind that she hates being dirty. :-) |
I feel like all I have eaten this pregnancy is cereal (specifically, Golden Grahams) and BloPops. Lilly loves them too, obvi (see next photos...). |
Grandma, Papa and Erica arrived late Friday evening after Lilly went to bed. After a good night's rest, we had breakfast the next morning and then headed immediately to the beach. It was still windy, but luckily not quite as windy as it had been on Friday.
Getting ready for the beach. Because seriously, you can't go unless you have your jewels on. |
It's probably best for everyone if you take your "purse" to the beach as well. |
The beach was pretty windy and Lills was a soaking wet and sandy mess, so went home to clean up a little and then rode our bikes to the local farmer's market. We had so much fun! There was live music, kettle corn, and lots of neat local arts and crafts. Lilly and Erica got matching bracelets from a sweet little girl who was donating all of her proceeds to the Humane Society, but I forgot to get a pic.
The jewelry wasn't enough - the diva needed her sunglasses, too! |
We took some old bread to feed the ducks. I was amazed at how close they got. There was one that was practically eating right out of Dan's hand! |
Lilly inhaled her kettle corn. Her mother's child, I tell youl |
Dancing! |
During nap time Grandma and I went shopping. I had some Kohl's Cash that was about to expire, so I picked up a few things for Lilly and some sleepers for Baby B 2.0 (the first things I've bought for him!) as well as some fun outfits for Baby Dorothy. After nap, Grandma, Papa and Dan took the girls to the park while I rested and took a shower. We had dinner and Erica helped Lilly watch a show before bed time.
After the girls were in bed, we stayed up playing cards with Dan's parents.
Our little family must have been tired from all of the activity, because we all slept late on Sunday morning! We ate breakfast together and then had some play time before heading back to the beach. Grandma gave Lilly her first pig tails and they were hilarious and SO CUTE. I tried to hard to get a photo. She was decidedly uncooperative.
I know, they are probably the smallest pigtails in the history of the world, but aren't they the cutest?! Someday, she will have hair! |
I imagine her saying, "Seriously, if you would stop trying so hard to get a photo of the d@mn pigtails I might consider cooperating." |
Snuggle break with mommy! |
We had such a wonderful weekend and are so grateful that we were able to spend time together at the beach! We are heading back towards the coast this upcoming weekend with my family, so I'm sure I'll have tons more photos to share of Lilly and her cousin, Mason.
I stayed up WAY too late trying to figure out how to make my photos rotate correctly in Blogger (ugh), so it's off to bed for this tired mama. Hope your weekend was wonderful!
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