It is a memory that will be forever etched into my brain - where I was and what I was doing on September 11, 2001. I was sitting in Mr. Townsend's British History class, taking a test. He'd been in the military and fought in one of the wars (I can't remember which), and was in the reserves. We used to talk about how he was a complete loon - he kept the blinds shut at all times in case there were snipers in the trees. He wasn't kidding - we found out the hard way when one of my classmates played a cruel joke one day and opened them before he got to class. Anyway, mid-test Mr. Townsend's pager went off. He walked out of the room, came back and turned on the television, and left the room never to be seen again - he'd been called to duty. About 30 seconds after he walked out, the news stations started showing the coverage of the planes crashing into the twin towers. Have 10 years really passed? It seems like just yesterday.
10 years later, it is hard to put how I am feeling into words. I am thinking about those who lost love ones both in NY and in DC, and praying for their families. I am so thankful for those who risk their lives each and every day for this country, so that we can live freely. Furthermore, I am thankful to them for the future of the child that Dan and I will be bringing into this world in February; for giving he/she the opportunity to live in the greatest country in the world. I am proud to be an American not just today but every day, but today has served as a reminder that there are people out there who fight for our freedom daily.
Have you seen the State Farm/Spike Lee commercial where the kids are singing Jay Z's "Empire State of Mind" to the FDNY? I swear I have seen it 10 times today and it gets me with the ugly cry every single time. If you haven't seen it, it's worth the 2 minutes:
I'll keep this one short and sweet. We've got a short but very exciting week ahead! I've decided to wait and do the 18 week update after our doctor appointment this week (speaking of which, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE FIND OUT BABY GERONIMO'S GENDER IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS!). Dan and I are taking a trip to Chicago at the end of the week, which we're also both extra excited about. In the mean time, I will update you on our weekend and keep you entertained with pregnancy hilarity.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
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