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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bed rest is for the birds.

It is only day one, and I officially hate bed rest.  Don't worry, I'm cooperating and following doctor's orders, but I am bored to death.  You know how you always think of how nice it would be to be waited on hand and foot?  Well it turns out that when it actually happens, it is not as fun as you dreamt it would be.  All I can think about is the million things I'd planned to do this week, and the two million more things that need to be done before I'm ready for Geronimina to make her debut. 

Layla, on the other hand, seems to be quite comfortable with the current situation:
Phase 1: Resting.

Phase 2: Snoozing.
Phase 3: Full on napping.  And dreaming.  And snoring...loudly.
So, it would seem that at least one of us is enjoying my couch time.  Thanks to all of you who have offered words of encouragement, support, and prayers.  They are much appreciated, and much needed!  My friend Kristen reminded me today that there are far worse things that could happen than being on bed rest, and she is so right!  I have been blessed with a wonderful and (mostly) really easy pregnancy so far, and as long as Baby B is okay in there, I'll be fine, too.

We had a wonderful Christmas, which I will probably blog about later, but in the mean time I wanted to share with you a little something that Geronimina got for her Daddy.  I have been SO excited about this gift, and couldn't wait for him to open it. 

Before I show you, let me back up.  Last month while shopping with Mom and Niecey on our annual Black Friday outing, we were looking for a Christmas party dress for me and stumbled upon these onesies.  Some of them are absolutely hysterical, and I knew I wanted to get one or two for Dan for Christmas from the baby.  The problem is, they range from $20-$30!  I kept waiting for them to go on sale, but they never did, and I really could not fathom spending that amount on a onesie, especially since it will likely get peed/pooped/thrown up on, no matter how cute they were.  I then remembered that my good friend Heather makes them.  She came to my rescue (the week before Christmas no less!), and as a result, Dan got to open the following on Christmas morning:

SO.  Cute!!!  Here are close ups of each one:
this shirt is daddy proof

It was the dog.  This one is particularly hilarious since Dan blames EVERYTHING on Layla - even when she's not in the room.

LMDO - laughing my diaper off.  Y'all KNOW I love some abbreviations.

Team Dan.  Eat your heart out, Bella.  I LOVE Twilight, and Dan has read the series (and suffered through the movies with me) as well, so he got a kick out of this one.
I saved the best for last: Daddy says I can't wear pink.  Duh, this shirt is clearly Berry.  HILARIOUS, right?  And very fitting, given that he is opposed to this child sharing my love of pink.
Heather did a fantastic job on these.  I placed my order last-minute, and the turnaround time was really quick.  She charges $15-$18/onesie (plus shipping), depending on how complicated the design is, and she'll do anything you'd like.  She also has some ideas of her own that are pretty hysterical - she came up with the bottom three pictured above.  She does bibs, too! 

If you'd like to place an order of your own, you can find her on Facebook here.  You can also e-mail her at  Ladies, she is a woman of MANY talents...she owns her own hair and makeup company, The Look which is how we originally met - she beautified me for my e-session, bridal portraits, and the wedding, and we became besties in the process!  She is also co-owner of an event planning company, Carolina Wedding Design, and they do a fantastic job as well.  So holler at my girl and get some awesome onesies!  I can't wait for Baby B to rock the ones I got her.  :-)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!  Back to channel surfing I go...sigh.


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