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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Hadley Jo!

It has been quite an eventful day for me.  I am exhausted and will therefore update you all on my doctor's appointment at another time, but just wanted to tell you that MY BESTIE HAD HER BABY TODAY!

Steph had a doctor's appointment this morning and was anticipating him giving her the OK to go home for Christmas.  She normally texts me to let me know what's going on, so when my phone rang around 11:20 I KNEW she was calling to tell me she was in labor.  I was almost right...her doctor didn't like the looks of her fluid level, so he was going to induce her and she was going to have a baby TODAY!  I was so excited, I'm still not sure how I got any work done.  In fact, at one point, Dan texted to tell me he was sure I was more anxious than even Steph was (true), and that when it was my turn he was going to have to slip me some valium (also probably true). 

I had to go to the doctor at 1:30, so I decided to camp out at work and try to finish up a few things until the appointment and then go to the hospital  after.  My appointments (sans ultrasound) have never taken more than 20 minutes, so I thought we'd be at the hospital by 2:15 at the latest.  Wrong-o.  We were at the doctor for two hours.  Two.  But that's for another post.

You can hop on over to Stephs blog to check for updates on how everything went, but in a nutshell, her labor progressed VERY quickly.  Hadley Jo Aldridge was born at 6:24 p.m., weighing in at 7 lbs (I won the weight pool, woot!) and measuring 18 inches long:

Isn't she gorgeous?!  In all of the excitement, I somehow managed to forget to take my camera or phone into the room to take pictures.  Sigh.  Maybe tomorrow.  Anyway,  baby girl is beyond perfect.  She's got Steph's nose, Jon's mouth, long fingers and toes and the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen.  Both Mommy and Baby are doing wonderfully!

Hadley Jo, I'm so glad Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dan were able to be there to celebrate your arrival.  You are so beautiful, and we love you so much already!  We can't wait to watch you grow, and we certainly can't wait to come back to the hospital to love on you some more tomorrow.  Steph and Jon, we love you both and are indescribably excited for you!


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