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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Babysitter Fun

We are so fortunate to have found the best childcare providers for Lilly.  Tonight, Miss Morgan came to play so that Dan and I could go to his company Holiday party.  

Side note: it's actually pretty funny how we found Morgan.  Miss Hannah comes to play with Lilly a lot as well, and I needed a last-minute babysitter at some point earlier in the year and Hannah had another commitment.  I knew that a girl I work with had babysitting experience and used to work at a kids store, so after agonizing over whether it was weird to ask someone I work with to babysit for me, I decided I was too desperate to care so I casually asked her "if she knew of anyone that would be interested in babysitting for me" hoping that she would volunteer.  This scenario did not go as planned as she did not volunteer but instead volunteered a friend of hers who nannies.  I then started agonizing over whether it was weird to let a complete stranger watch my child, but as I said before I was desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures.  I'm so glad it worked out the way it did because Lilly adores Morgan (and Hannah and Chaney too!).

Anyway I digress, tonight Lilly and Morgan had a blast.  I forgot to ask Morgan if she'd take a photo of Dan and I all dolled up so here is one she sent us of Lilly tonight:

Fierce face.  And how about that shiner on her eye?  She got that the other day and I still have no idea what she ran into even though I was in the room with her.  Grace is her middle name for a reason, I guess!
I wanted to post a cute video of L singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" but for some reason it won't upload properly and I don't have the energy to mess with it tonight, so maybe tomorrow.


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