Size of Baby Boy: A cantaloupe...
...and getting bigger seemingly by the minute. More on that later. He weighs about
Weight Gain So Far: As of the doctor yesterday, +30 lbs. I was hoping to keep the weight gain at +30 or less for the whole pregnancy, so I am definitely going to fail that goal but I think I'm okay with it. I have had quite literally NO CONTROL around anything sweet. I am pretty sure I ate at least 20 of the sugar cookies that we made for Santa, among other things. If I am ever pregnant again, it needs to be during a different time of year!
Cravings: Sweets, sweets and more sweets. Nothing unusual here.
Aversions: Still nothing here, either.
Symptoms: Tired. Lower back pain. General discomfort. And pressure towards the lady parts.
Movement: Much like his sister, Baby Boy has a lot of hiccups. He is huge, but evidently the fact that he's running out of room does not phase him because he is still having plenty of in-utero dance parties!
What I Miss: Good sleep (and uninterrupted, no peeing 25 times/night sleep!). I know, I know, that is only going to get worse! And sleeping on my stomach. Have I mentioned that yet? It hasn't phased me at all this pregnancy until recently, like the past few weeks. Maybe it's because I have a hard time getting comfortable in general, who knows.
Signs of a Bump: Of course!
I wrote a 34-week post for Lilly, but for some reason the photos aren't showing up (annoying) so I don't have a comparison for next week. I could go downstairs to look through the photos on my computer, but I'm too lazy. :-)
What I'm Thankful For: So much that I don't think I could list it all, but to name a few: family and friends. A wonderful Holiday. My health and this healthy pregnancy. A new year.
What I'm Looking Forward To: My sweet friends and family are throwing me a sprinkle next weekend, and I am so excited about it. Also, organization/house/nursery progress! Also maybe the eventual completion of the construction in the nursery...??? And Lilly's 2nd (when did my baby grow up?!) birthday.
Doctor Appointment Update: I rescheduled Thursday's appointment for yesterday because I wasn't sure what our travel plans would be for the funeral this weekend. Everything is just peachy! My blood pressure is still perfect at 120/70, and baby seems to be perfect as well. I love hearing that sweet heartbeat! Dr. B said that he is still measuring 2 weeks ahead - as of yesterday, he was measuring at 36 weeks. Not gonna lie, I had a minor panic attack when she said I was measuring at 36 weeks - I was induced with L somewhere around 36.5! So close, and still so much to do. The doctors still won't commit to any sort of "we won't let you have a 25-pound baby" plan, but Dr. B did order an ultrasound for my next appointment (36 weeks) "to get a better idea of how big he actually is." I'm excited to see him again!
Next Doctor Appointment: Wednesday, January 15.
I hope everyone had a wonderful NYE! Ours was
Chinese and fireworks downtown |
The Baums at midnight. Happy New Year! |
Shopping. Love these two. |
My sweet little butterfly brushing her teeth before bed. |
I'm not sure whether I'll get to any additional posts this week, but I'll be back next week. Here's to a happy, healthy new year for all!
I can't believe you're getting so close! You look great! We were in bed by midnight on NYE too! Cheers to a happy and healthy 2014!