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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

BB2.0: 34 Weeks...and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, friends!  In all of the excitement of the Holidays, I missed the 33 week update (whoops!), so I'll just get to the 34-week stats since I'm writing about it a week late.

Size of Baby Boy:  A cantaloupe...

...and getting bigger seemingly by the minute.  More on that later.  He weighs about 10 4 3/4 lbs and is almost 18 inches long.  His central nervous system and lungs are both continuing to mature, his fat layers are rounding him out (can't wait to eat him up!) and his skin is smoothing out.

Weight Gain So Far:  As of the doctor yesterday, +30 lbs.  I was hoping to keep the weight gain at +30 or less for the whole pregnancy, so I am definitely going to fail that goal but I think I'm okay with it.  I have had quite literally NO CONTROL around anything sweet.  I am pretty sure I ate at least 20 of the sugar cookies that we made for Santa, among other things.  If I am ever pregnant again, it needs to be during a different time of year!

Cravings:  Sweets, sweets and more sweets.  Nothing unusual here.

Aversions:  Still nothing here, either.

Symptoms:  Tired.  Lower back pain.  General discomfort.  And pressure towards the lady parts.

Movement:  Much like his sister, Baby Boy has a lot of hiccups.  He is huge, but evidently the fact that he's running out of room does not phase him because he is still having plenty of in-utero dance parties!

What I Miss:  Good sleep (and uninterrupted, no peeing 25 times/night sleep!).  I know, I know, that is only going to get worse!  And sleeping on my stomach.  Have I mentioned that yet?  It hasn't phased me at all this pregnancy until recently, like the past few weeks.  Maybe it's because I have a hard time getting comfortable in general, who knows.

Signs of a Bump:  Of course! 

I wrote a 34-week post for Lilly, but for some reason the photos aren't showing up (annoying) so I don't have a comparison for next week.  I could go downstairs to look through the photos on my computer, but I'm too lazy.  :-)

What I'm Thankful For:  So much that I don't think I could list it all, but to name a few: family and friends.  A wonderful Holiday.  My health and this healthy pregnancy.  A new year.  

What I'm Looking Forward To:  My sweet friends and family are throwing me a sprinkle next weekend, and I am so excited about it.  Also, organization/house/nursery progress!  Also maybe the eventual completion of the construction in the nursery...???  And Lilly's 2nd (when did my baby grow up?!) birthday.

Doctor Appointment Update:  I rescheduled Thursday's appointment for yesterday because I wasn't sure what our travel plans would be for the funeral this weekend.  Everything is just peachy!  My blood pressure is still perfect at 120/70, and baby seems to be perfect as well.  I love hearing that sweet heartbeat!  Dr. B said that he is still measuring 2 weeks ahead - as of yesterday, he was measuring at 36 weeks.  Not gonna lie, I had a minor panic attack when she said I was measuring at 36 weeks - I was induced with L somewhere around 36.5!  So close, and still so much to do.  The doctors still won't commit to any sort of "we won't let you have a 25-pound baby" plan, but Dr. B did order an ultrasound for my next appointment (36 weeks) "to get a better idea of how big he actually is."  I'm excited to see him again!

Next Doctor Appointment:  Wednesday, January 15.  

I hope everyone had a wonderful NYE!  Ours was totally lame very low-key but also perfect and just what we needed.  Dan's office overlooks the acorn drop/fireworks, so we grabbed Chinese takeout and took L downtown to watch the 7:00pm "family" acorn drop.  She LOVED the fireworks.  We also unpacked, took all of our Christmas decorations down, and watched a movie in bed.  So old.

Chinese and fireworks downtown

The Baums at midnight.  Happy New Year!
We spent today running errands to try to get ready for our trip and then had a traditional New Year's Dinner with Bo, Meagan and Kinsley.

Shopping.  Love these two.

My sweet little butterfly brushing her teeth before bed.
Hope your NYE and NYD were both wonderful.  I think a lot of folks go back to work least there are only two more days to the weekend!  

I'm not sure whether I'll get to any additional posts this week, but I'll be back next week.  Here's to a happy, healthy new year for all!


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're getting so close! You look great! We were in bed by midnight on NYE too! Cheers to a happy and healthy 2014!


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