Greetings, readers! As promised, today’s post is the 13-week update. Enjoy!
Size of Geronimo: Almost 3 inches long – about the size of peach (Or, according to a different pregnancy weekly e-mail update, a medium shrimp. Death by allergy. Peach sounds cuter, anyway)! This week, fingerprints are forming and his/her veins and organs are clearly visible through his/her still-thin skin (this would explain why we could see the bones in last week’s ultrasound).
Weight Gain So Far: As of Friday at the doctor’s office, only .4 lbs – still not even a full pound! I could not believe my eyes, I thought for sure I would have skyrocketed at least 20 lbs this week. I was feeling excessively bloated.
Cravings: Nothing new to report here. Dan keeps asking me if he should buy some pickles for me at the store to go with my ice cream, though. So far the answer has been no.
Aversions: At times I’ve been slightly weird about meat, but it’s not really consistent so I’m not sure whether that even counts.
Symptoms: Same old: constipation, tired all the time, some dizziness and an increasing amount of headaches. I am hoping that the fact that I am now basically a walking pharmacy will help combat the constipation this week. I’ll report back on that next week – I’m sure you’re all waiting with baited breath. Also, my nose is SO SENSITIVE. I know, it is a symptom every woman has, and it’s totally normal, but I feel like my extra sensitive nostrils are only picking up the bad stuff. I have been convinced that my cube at work stinks all week, but I can’t pinpoint what it is and no one else can smell it, so I guess there is no solution. Oh, and another one that I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned before: BREAKOUTS! I’m talking high-school, puberty-style pimples. But in weird places…like on my arms and legs. Freaky, yes?
What I Miss: Normal boobs. I’m finding that clothes are fitting extra weird because mine are out of control. Seriously – out. of. control. I can’t imagine what they will be like when there is milk in them. Dan is certainly not complaining, but my word!
Things I am Thankful For: The usual: love, prayers and support – feeling extra blessed this week. Also, the new boppy full-body pregnancy pillow I got last week. It’s helping a lot with the sleep situation (Now if only it could help with the getting-up-three-times-a-night-to-pee situation, it would be miraculous. I’m worried about what will happen when the baby is actually big enough to camp out on my bladder, because I’m already up so much during the night!). Product review on that to come in a later post!
Signs of a Bump: Still tiny, but still there. I have heard from a lot of people that they went from having no bump to exploding around 20 weeks. Not sure since I already have one if I should be even more worried about turning into a whale? J
Next Doctor Appointment: Friday (I know, another one). This one should just be a quick one – weigh in, pee in a cup, talk to the nurse practitioner and maybe hear the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler thingy. I am hoping they will schedule our “big” appointment – the one where we find out the gender – while I’m there. Only 5-7 weeks until that one – hopefully closer to 5 because I can’t stand it much longer!
Also, an update from last week’s visit: we got some test results back yesterday! The results are actually really hard to understand, and all they really show you are probabilities, which I was surprised by. Anyway, the risk before our screening for Down Syndrome was 1 in 835, but after the screening it is 1 in more than 10,000, which is within range. The pre-screening risk for Trisomy 13 & 18 was 1 in 1,563, and the post-screening risk is also 1 in more than 10,000, which is also within range. In a nutshell: Baby Geronimo is healthy and (hopefully) happy in there! We haven’t gotten the Cystic Fibrosis test results yet, but I think it’s because that one was a blood test and had to be sent off to the lab. The Doctor told us we should have those results by the end of the week.
I have had several people tell me recently what they think Baby Geronimo’s sex is based on what they’ve read in the blog and my cravings, symptoms, etc. Several people have also asked if I have a gut feeling. I literally have NO idea, no feelings whatsoever about which it is. I know a lot of women who had a feeling and were right, but I just do not have that feeling! What do you think? Any gender guesses based on what you’ve been reading?
Hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
I am still betting it is a boy...but cannot WAIT to find out!!!!