Our instructor was very nice and very well-informed. She is a lactation consultant and actually works at Rex, so you never know, we could see her when we deliver. I don't really have any funny Dan stories to report, sadly. He did giggle the first few times she said "nipple" and also when she started talking about how the baby should have a "mouth full." And he was super excited that there's a feeding position called the "football hold." Other than that, he was pretty tame for once.
I do realize that breast feeding is not for everyone, so before I continue this post I should probably preface it with this: I would never judge anyone for their choices, especially for choosing not to breast feed. I think that it is a very personal choice, and while I realize that it's not for everyone, I am hopeful that it will work for us.
We spent the first part of the class discussing the benefits of breastfeeding, a few of which are:
- convenience
- economical
- helpful with weight loss (vain, I know, but true)
- studies show that breastfed babies have less gastrointestinal disturbances, ear infections and allergies
- breast milk is filled with antibodies that protect against infection
We then talked about positions for breastfeeding. When I think of breastfeeding, I really only ever think of one way to hold the baby - cradling her in your arms. I think maybe because it's what you normally see? But there are actually four different ways you can hold the baby to breastfeed. Who knew?
Our instructor also told us that when doing any of the above holds, it's important to not put your index behind the baby's head, which is what a lot of people do because it feels natural. Instead, you should focus on supporting her neck with your hand in "c" shape. Her head is sensitive after being born, and the index finger on the back of it can make her uncomfortable should it hit a tender or bruised spot.
We talked about proper latching, and learned about some signs that the baby has latched on properly:
- All of the nipple and as much of the areola as possible is in baby's mouth.
- Lips flanged or turned out.
- Tongue over lower gum.
- Baby stays on breast.
- Absence of pain.
- Seeing milk transfer or hearing swallowing.
The final phase of the class touched on how to know if baby is getting enough food and how often to feed. One thing she said that I didn't know was that once breastfeeding is established, the best way to ensure a good milk supply is by allowing the baby to determine the frequency and duration of breastfeeding sessions - that way, your body knows how much to produce. Basically, the instructor said that for the first one to two weeks, it's best to feed her whenever she starts making signs of hunger (sucking on tongue or lips during sleep, sucking on fingers, turning head from side to side, etc.). She also said that in the early days, the baby tends not to request feeds often enough because she will be so tired from the birthing process, so she should be woken at least every 2.5 hours to be fed. Finally, I'll know she's full by her feedings (she should have no more than one 4-5 hour stretch at night in the early weeks), diapers, stool changes, and weight gain.
There was so much detail to this class (nipple care among other things), and I won't bore you with it because I'm sure a lot of you are non-pregnant readers, but I am really so glad we went. We got some excellent tips and advice and it was really a good learning experience. We will have more help, of course, should we need it, in the form of the lactation consultant on duty when we have the baby. And then after that, Rex has a lactation hotline we can call at any time. Additionally, all of the pediatricians that we're interviewing over the next couple of weeks (time to get on that, I guess - ha!) have lactation consultants on staff.
One thing that she didn't talk about as much which I was hoping she would touch on is pumping, but I can ask about that when the time comes. Additionally, I found out that Rex offers a class for Moms returning to work and pumping, so I will more than likely sign up for that as well.
Hope your hump day was fab and that you weren't too bored by this post - for me, it was exciting stuff! Up tomorrow: sweet gift from my sweet Daddy. :-)
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