We got the call from the hospital at 6 a.m. to be here at 7:30, and here we are! We were actually hoping for an early time - I didn't want to be waiting around and nervous all day. I of course did not get much sleep last night, but we all knew that would happen. I'm feeling good this morning - pretty nervous slash terrified, but we're in good hands! My favorite doctor is on call and we got our favorite nurse from our previous stays, so I think it's God's way of telling me, "you can do this!" They haven't started the pitocin yet - we're waiting to hear from the doctor. I will keep you all posted - we can't wait to meet our baby girl! In the mean time, I'll leave you with some pics Mom snapped for us on the way out this morning. Love!
You look so great, and calm and not at all like you're about to have a baby!! I'd be a big ball of mess. But you look fabulous! Hooray!