The thing to realize about the handful of times when I have been extra hormonal during this pregnancy (yesterday included) is that I know I am being insane and literally cannot do one thing about it. At one point yesterday I could not speak without tearing up, and I knew it was coming and I knew it was crazy and yet I couldn't control it. I was annoying myself, and although he handled it very well I'm Dan was
Why all of the breakdowns yesterday, you ask? You won't believe it when I tell you - I can hardly believe it myself - but it was because my husband was being helpful. There, I said it. I am a
Enter meltdown #1, which was partially due to the fact that we were disagreeing on furniture (even though it is not that serious?) and partially due to the fact that he'd organized everything. And it only got worse from there. I literally could not do anything - stay in there with him, come back down to the couch, try to take a nap in our bed - without crying the ugly cry. It. Was. Ridiculous.
I think there were several reasons to the madness, all equally (yes, I admit it) as dumb. Firstly, not only did I not like where he had put things in the nursery (which is stupid because I can totally re-do it later), but I just felt like I wasn't a part of the process at all. Dumbest thing you've ever heard, right? I had been dreading the organization process just days before, but was hoping we could organize together (which probably was wishful thinking because we never would have agreed on where things should have gone to begin with - we both think we know better than the other most of the time, ha!). Secondly, I am SO. TIRED. of bed rest. There are so many things that I want to be doing and that I want to be a part of that I can't because I'm stuck here. Tying in with that is the fact that I was so excited for it to be the weekend so that I would be able to spend some time with Dan and have some company, but while he was upstairs trying to be helpful I was yet again bed resting all alone and miserable. Finally, him doing all of these things really just made me anxious and restless. I'm nervous about Monday's appointment, nervous about the birth, nervous I won't know what in the world to do with a baby...the list goes on and on. And somehow, his help just made me even more of a nervous wreck.
Dan was truly very understanding about the whole thing. He only lost his temper with me once, even though I was a blubbering moody mess, and really the temper losing was very mild compared to what it should have been - more like a scolding than anything else. I finally got it under control and told him how I was feeling, and he said he understood and I should have just said so in the first place. Whether he actually understood or was just placating me, we'll never know, but whatever. He is a good man, my husband, and lately I am even more thankful for him with each passing day, if that is even possible. We figured out how I could help do some things while sitting down with my feet up, and with our powers combined, we really got quite a lot done. There's still a long way to go, but we both feel a lot better about where things stand - and our house is slightly (only slightly) less of a wreck as a result. Here's some of what we did:
Carseat base (complete with seat protector) installed in Daddy's car - thanks to Dan's wonderful co-workers! |
Car seat (thanks to my college besties) installed in Mommy's car (I didn't help with this part but instead sat on the couch, I promise). |
The recycling pile. A LOT of work was done! |
Hopefully this post hasn't scared any of you reading who are mothers-to-be. All pregnancies are different - I have some girlfriends whose husbands say they would be happy if their wife were never pregnant again because she was so crazy, and others who had no problems at all and in fact were more mellow than they were pre-pregnancy! Either way, it is all part of the process, and we know that in the end (hopefully this week, fingers crossed EEK!) it will for sure be worth all of the tears, boredom from bed rest, etc. :-)
Happy football watching!
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